Rinsing That Apple Off with Water Might Not Be Good Enough 2019 - Apple Medical Benefits 2019 - Are Apples Fruit 2019 - How Do Apples Help Your Body 2019 | AR NUTRATION
Researchers suggest adding baking soda to water to rinse apples and other produce. Here’s some other tips from experts on cleaning fruits and vegetables.
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Rinsing an apple under the kitchen tap may remove dirt.
However, new research suggests that adding baking soda to the water is the best way to remove pesticide residue.
The researchers from the University of Massachusetts compared three different methods for washing apples.
They included tap water, a tap water and baking soda solution, and a commercial bleach often used on produce.
They found the 1 percent baking soda and water solution to be the most effective at reducing pesticides.
“Tap water can remove some pesticide residues, but adding some baking soda to the tap makes it more powerful,” Lili He, PhD, an author of the study and assistant professor in the Department of Food Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, told Healthline.
Pesticides can assist with increasing crop yield by preventing bugs, bacteria, and mold.
But concerns have been raised over the potential health effects of pesticides on humans who eat the produce.
Previous studies by He found that pesticides can penetrate into plant tissues, making it difficult to wash pesticides away.
How the study was conducted
In this study, He and her colleagues sought to examine the best method to remove such pesticides.
They applied two commonly used pesticides to organic Gala apples.
They then washed the apples using each method for two minutes at a time.
After that time period, the baking soda solution had been the most successful at reducing pesticide residue.
It took around 12 to 15 minutes for the baking soda solution to remove 80 percent of one form of the pesticide and 96 percent of the other.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program collects data on pesticide residues in food.
The most recent data available, from the 2015 annual report, found that when pesticide residue is found on food, it’s almost always at a level below the tolerances set down by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
More than 99 percent of the products sampled by the Pesticide Data Program had residue below the EPA tolerance levels.
Pesticides and produce
Lauri Wright, PhD, an assistant professor in public health at the University of South Florida, says consumers shouldn’t be worried about pesticides on their produce.
“Pesticides present on fruits and vegetables pose little to no health risk due to low levels of pesticides actually on those foods. Pesticides help to keep destructive pests away from crops, which results in more plants surviving and a larger harvest. Greater harvest mean that there is a greater availability of fruits and vegetables and the prices are lower. Because of the minimal health risks associated with pesticide use and close monitoring, the pros outweigh the cons,” Wright told Healthline.
She added the greatest risk for consumers from unwashed fruit and vegetables isn’t from pesticides. Rather, it’s from foodborne illness.
“Consumers should wash their fruits and vegetables with a vinegar solution to decrease bacteria and prevent any illness such as E. coli,” Wright said.
The concerns remain
Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD, wellness manager at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, says some of her patients are still worried about the risks.
“Many of my patients ask what’s the best way to remove pesticides, and often they are buying expensive sprays that have not always seemed to do the job. This method, from He’s study, appears both effective and affordable,” Kirkpatrick told Healthline.
Kirkpatrick advises her patients to follow the guidance of The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen, lists made by the Environmental Working Group that rank fruit and vegetables most and least likely to have pesticide residue.
At the top of the Dirty Dozen list for 2017 are strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, and peaches.
Sweet corn, avocados, pineapples, cabbage, and onions were the top five Clean Fifteen, meaning they were least likely to have pesticides.
As for which fruits and vegetables require extra attention when washing, Wright advises to use a vegetable brush when washing produce with thick skin, and to consider throwing away the outer leaves of leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage before washing.
She also advises consumers not to wash produce immediately after bringing it home.
“The best time to wash produce is immediately before eating or cooking the product, not when it is brought home from the store. You should avoid washing and then storing produce because it creates a perfect, moist habitat for microbes to grow. This can also speed up the spoilage of produce by leaving it wet in the fridge,” she says.
Most importantly, Wright says, consumers need to understand that pesticides pose little risk to human health. They shouldn’t put people off eating fruits and vegetables.
“Fruits and vegetables are extremely important for health and preventing many conditions and disease, such as obesity and cancer. Pesticides levels are closely monitored to assure safety, so enjoy your fruits and vegetables,” she said.
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Will Eating Apples Help If You Have Acid Reflux? - Main Nutrients in Apple 2019 - Apple Nutrition Facts And Benefits 2019 | AR NUTRATIONBenefits
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Apples and acid reflux
An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but does it keep acid reflux away, too? Apples are a good source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It’s thought that these alkalizing minerals may help relieve symptoms of acid reflux.
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid rises into the esophagus. Some say that eating an apple after a meal or before bedtime may help neutralize this acid by creating an alkaline environment in the stomach. Sweet apples are thought to work better than sour varieties.
What are the benefits of eating apples?
Pectin, which is found in apples, reduces your risk for cardiovascular disease.
Apples also contain antioxidants that can reduce your risk of cancer.
The ursolic acid found in apple skins may assist with fat loss and increased muscle growth.
Apples contain large amounts of a soluble fiber known as pectin. Pectin may prevent a type of cholesterol from accumulating in the arterial walls. This can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease.
Pectin may also:
help remove harmful toxins from the body
shrink or prevent gallstones
delay the absorption of glucose in people with diabetes
Antioxidant flavonoids found in apples can limit or prevent oxidation caused by free radicals. This can prevent future cell damage from occurring.
Apples also contain polyphenols, which are antioxidant biochemicals. Polyphenols have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
The ursolic acid found in apple skins is also known for its healing properties. It’s said to have a role in fat loss and muscle sparing. Ursolic acid hasn’t been studied in humans yet, though animal studies are promising.
What the research says
Although many people report success in treating acid reflux with apples, there isn’t any scientific evidence to support these claims. Most people can eat red apples without experiencing any side effects, so there’s no harm in adding them to your daily diet. A typical serving size is one medium apple or about one cup of chopped apples.
Risks and warnings
Green apples are more acidic. This may cause an increase in your acid reflux symptoms.
Conventional apple skins may carry trace amounts of pesticides.
Apple products, such as applesauce or apple juice, won’t have the same alkalizing effects as fresh apples.
Although apples are generally safe to eat, certain types of apples may trigger symptoms in people with acid reflux. Red apples generally don’t cause an increase in symptoms. Green apples are more acidic, which can have a negative impact for some.
Pesticide residue may be present on conventional apple skins. Eating an apple skin with minimal residue shouldn’t cause any adverse side effects. If you’re trying to reduce your exposure to pesticides, you should purchase organic apples.
Fresh apples are recommended over processed forms, such as juice, applesauce, or other apple products. Fresh apples generally have a higher fiber content, more antioxidants, and have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels.
Other acid reflux treatments
Many cases of acid reflux can be treated with lifestyle changes. This includes:
avoiding foods that trigger heartburn
wearing looser clothing
losing weight
elevating the head of your bed
eating smaller meals
not lying down after you eat
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If lifestyle changes aren’t doing the trick, you may want to try an over-the-counter (OTC) medication. This includes:
antacids, such as Maalox and Tums
H2 receptor blockers, such as famotidine(Pepcid) and ranitidine (Zantac)
proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as lansoprazole (Prevacid) and omeprazole(Prilosec)
Despite their effectiveness at treating heartburn, PPIs have received a bad rap. They are blamed for side effects such as fractures and magnesium deficiency. They are also thought to increase your risk of developing diarrhea caused from Clostridium difficilebacteria.
If OTC remedies don’t bring relief within a few weeks, you should call your doctor. They may prescribe prescription-strength H2 receptor blockers or PPIs.
If prescription drugs don’t work, your doctor may recommend surgery to reinforce your lower esophagus. This is usually only done as a last resort after all other options have been tried.
What you can do now
Although OTC and prescription medications may relieve your symptoms, they also have the potential for negative side effects. As a result, many people are looking to natural remedies to treat their acid reflux.
If you believe apples may help you, give them a try. Even if the apples don’t relieve your symptoms, they still contribute to a healthy diet. Remember to:
choose organic, if possible, to reduce pesticide exposure
peel the skins off of conventional apples to remove trace pesticides
avoid green apples, because they’re more acidic
You should speak with your doctor if your symptoms persist. Together, you can develop a treatment plan that works best for you.
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11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Lives Up to the Hype 2019 - Which Apple is Good For Health 2019 - Importance Of Eating Apple 2019 | AR NUTRATION
Plus, four cautions to remember before jumping full speed on the ACV train.
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Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one of those buzzy wellness ingredients that people time and time again swear by. It’s not surprising why, though.
It almost like the holy grail of home remedies — for instance, a shot of it is said to help boost energy, control blood sugar, and promote weight loss. Topically, ACV may help improve your hair’s shine as well as the texture and tone of your skin by clearing up unwanted breakouts.
Mixed with other good-for-you ingredients like lemon juice or olive oil, ACV can be a potent booster for your daily routine. Here are 11 easy ways to boost your health with ACV.
1. Trouble with digesting roughage? Use ACV in your salad dressing
There are a few reasons ACV can help out with digestion issues, according to nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH, bestselling author of “The One One One Diet.”
The first is thanks to ACV’s antibacterial properties, which can lend help to common gut issues that can be caused by bacteria, like diarrhea. As a fermented food, ACV also contains probiotics that help regulate overall healthy digestion.
Try it
Mix ACV with apple cider and Dijon mustard in a pan over a simmer.
Add olive oil to mixture and toss it together with some of your favorite vegetables.
“Pairing an ACV-based dressing with vegetables does double duty for your digestion, as both the fiber in the veggies and the probiotics in the ACV can boost digestive health,” Batayneh points out.
2. Looking to curb your appetite? Make a daily ACV tonic
Sometimes the hardest part of recalibrating eating habits is restriction. According to Batayneh, drinking ACV can “be incredibly useful when trying to eat less and lose weight.” She refers to a study that found that ACV may suppress areas of the brain that control appetite, resulting in fewer calories eaten over time.
Try it, based on science
Round one: Dilute 15 milliliters (mL) of ACV in 500 mL of water and drink it every day for 12 weeks.
Round two: Dilute 30 mL of ACV in 500 mL of water and drink it every day for 12 weeks.
ACV may also help with fat storage, thanks to a special component: acetic acid. In rat studies, this acid has been shown to help reducefat storage.
After such positive results from animal studies, a 2009 study looked at 122 people with obesity and found that daily consumption of vinegar reduces obesity and aids weight loss.
3. Need natural energy? Sip an ACV-mixed tea in the AM
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Skipping coffee? For Batayneh, a tea with ACV is a great alternative to other calorie-heavy, caffeinated drinks like lattes and sodas.
Besides fat storage, acetic acid also boosted how muscles in mice refuel on energy resources. It’s suggested to work similarly for humans.
Amp your morning drink
Batayneh suggests combining 2 tablespoons of ACV, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, and a dash of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. “Sipping on this may prevent you from reaching for heavier drinks or snacks in the early morning when you need an energy boost,” she says.
Lemon juice has many nutritional benefits, but specific research that links lemons to weight loss is sparse. However, drinking about four ounces of lemonade per day is suggested to help with kidney stone prevention. As for cayenne pepper and cinnamon, both have ingredients that provide therapeutic benefits to help boost your metabolism and reduce inflammation.
NOT THE MASTER CLEANSEWhile this drink sounds very close to the Master Cleanse diet, we definitely don’t recommend drinking this as a substitute meal or in attempt to detox. It’s best to drink alongside a meal or as a morning tonic.
4. Sore throat? Mix ACV and honey into a soothing concoction
With antibacterial and antiviral properties, ACV can be incredibly beneficial.
With all that said, there isn’t much scientific evidence backing the claim that honey and ACV teawill completely get rid of a sore throat. The theory is that the ACV works to fight the bacteria while the honey can help suppress coughs by coating and soothing the throat.
3 ways to try it
In a large mug of warm water, mix 1 tablespoon of ACV with 2 tablespoons of honey for a throat tonic.
For something tastier, try ginger tea with 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV, honey, and coconut oil.
Gargle 1 to 2 teaspoons of ACV with warm salt water for 20 to 30 seconds two to three times a day. Don’t swallow.
If your sore throat continues for days, you should see a doctor. They can prescribe antibiotics if it’s a bacterial infection.
5. Managing insulin levels? Drink ACV with water and a meal or snack
For people with diabetes, incorporating ACV may be a helpful step in managing the condition. “It’s thought that… acetic acid may slow down the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugar in the bloodstream,” Batayneh explains. “This provides more time for sugar to be removed from the bloodstream, allowing the body to keep blood sugar levels constant and limit spikes.”
There’s not too much research to completely back this up, however one 2007 study with 11 participants found that people with type 2 diabetes who took 2 tablespoons of ACV with a bedtime cheese snack woke up with much lower blood sugar levels.
6. Worried about cholesterol? Try this ACV egg salad recipe
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“Apples and vinegar work together in the form of ACV and naturally lend themselves to lowering triglyceride and cholesterol level,” explains Batayneh. A 2012 study found that ACV may be able to reduce bad cholesterol along with triglyceride in people with high cholesterol levels.
“The main reason being is that the acetic acid in apple-cider vinegar is what makes it effective in lowering low-density-level (LDL) cholesterol.”
Although evidence supporting these claims are mostly anecdotal, combining ACV with other heart-healthy options can only help! Getting your cholesterol and triglyceride under control is one natural way to lower risk of heart disease.
Sub ACV for mayo in avocado egg salad
This avocado egg salad remix is a great opportunity to get a serving of heart-healthy nutrition. Instead of mayonnaise as the binding ingredient, use avocados for the creaminess and ACV for the tartness. The texture of the avocado mixed with ACV will help get that creamy consistency that makes egg salad so delicious!
Just this year, a study found that a moderate consumption of eggs can actually lower risk for cardiovascular disease. Plus, avocados are also known to contain healthy fats that can help reduce risk for heart disease.
7. Preventive help? Combine ACV with other anticancer foods
There’s a theory that ACV can help make your blood alkaline, which can keep cancer cells from growing. However, it’s not a full shield against cancer since your body is typically able to maintain a pretty balanced pH.
It’s important not to treat ACV as your only course of treatment. Instead, rely on it for its other benefits, such as energy. The few studies showing that different types of vinegar can kill cancer cells are mostly animal studies.
Try it with other cancer-preventing foods
Broccoli. Try this broccoli salad with a cider dressing. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which has shown to reduce the size and number of breast cancer cells as well as kill off prostate cancer in mice.
Olive oil. Keep this ACV vinaigrette in the fridge. Olive oil also has been associated with cancer prevention. One big 2011 review showed that those who consumed a higher amount of olive oil had a lower risk for developing digestive or breast cancers compared to those who consumed lower levels.
Nuts. Snack on sea salt and ACV almonds. Nuts can be associated with a decreased risk for both cancer-related death and colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.
8. Have a headache? Make a compress out of ACV
Similar to the sore throat benefit, ACV’s ability to reduce headaches is mostly anecdotal. While this trick may not work for everyone, you may benefit from ACV if you get headaches from:
digestive issues
blood sugar spikes
potassium deficiency
Not only will ingesting ACV help, but making a cold compress could also relieve headaches.
Try it
Rinse a washcloth in cold ACV for a few minutes and wring out before applying it to your forehead.
Add two drops of a pain-relieving essential oil, like rose oil, for an extra boost.
9. Boost hair shine with an ACV hair rinse
One of the most highly marketed beauty benefits of ACV is the ability to increase hair shine. “ACV can be used as a hair rinse to boost shine by temporarily flattening the cuticle,” says Batayneh. The acetic pH can close up the hair cuticle which in turn prevents frizzing and promotes shiny smoothness.
Try it (with caution)
Dilute ACV with water and splash the mixture into your hands.
Run the mixture through wet hair.
Let it sit for up to five minutes and then rinse out.
To avoid the DIY route, haircare brand Dphue has their very own Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse, which you can get from Sephora for $15.
Use sparingly: Batayneh points out that you shouldn’t use ACV as a rinse more than three times a week or it might start to dry out your hair. Since the pH of ACV is so different, it could turn your hair brittle and make it look dull.
10. Remove dandruff by making an ACV spray
If your dandruff is a result of a yeast infection, ACV may be an affordable home remedy as it has antifungal properties. The acid in ACV can make it difficult for fungus to grow and spread.
Try it
Mix equal parts ACV and water in a spray bottle to disperse onto your scalp after shampooing.
Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing out.
Do this about twice a week and you’ll notice a major decrease in unwanted white flakes.
Discontinue immediately if irritation occurs.
Don’t try this if your dandruff is caused by a dry scalp. An ACV wash may further dry out your scalp and make dandruff worse.
11. Make an acne potion with ACV
As previously mentioned, ACV has antibacterial benefits thanks to its acetic acid. In addition, it also has small amounts of citric, lactic, and succinic acid. These antibacterial acids have been shown to kill P. acnes, the bacteria that causes breakouts.
On top of the bacteria-killing acids, Batayneh points out that some claim ACV’s astringent properties may help fight acne. “However,” she cautions, “this hasn’t been scientifically proven.”
While ACV contains all the right properties, there hasn’t been direct research on this ingredient as a topical treatment. Even though acids can be a good thing, too much can irritate your skin, and may cause chemical burns on some people. See a dermatologist before you try any home remedy — some may be more harmful than helpful.
If you’re looking to try an all-natural treatment like ACV, remember to dilute the ingredient before applying directly onto your skin.
Try it
Mix one part ACV and three parts water to start off. How much water you use depends on how sensitive your skin is.
Keep the mixture in a bottle and shake before using. Apply to your face with a cotton pad.
Let it sit for 5 to 20 seconds, then rinse with water.
You can also use green tea instead of water, as green tea is suggested to help control oil production. However, you’ll want to throw out this mixture after two days to avoid bacterial growth.
4 things to never do with ACV
Never do this
Drink without diluting it.
Start off by taking as much as you can.
Apply directly to your skin, especially for a long time.
Mix with other strong, irritating ingredients.
1. Shoot it straight
No matter how you add ACV to your diet, make sure you never ever drink it straight. Doing so will most likely cause damage.
“It’s so acidic, it may actually cause damage to your tooth enamel, esophagus, or stomach lining, especially with chronic use,” warns Batayneh. “Always, always dilute it.” The safest method if you’re drinking it, according to Batayneh, is mixing 10 parts water or tea to every one part ACV.
2. Start out by taking a lot of it
When introducing ACV to your daily ingestion intake, you want to start off slow and steady. “See how your body reacts to it,” says Batayneh. “And if you tolerate it well, you can eventually work up to one tablespoon.”
She says to scale back if you experience an upset stomach or a burning sensation. If you’re nervous or unsure, see a doctor before introducing it to your routine at all.
3. Apply it direct1ly to your skin
If you’re using ACV topically, there are a few things to know. First, you should never put it directly on your skin. It’s a potent ingredient so you should always dilute it with some water when using it as a toner or rinse.
Always try a patch test
Once you’ve diluted the ACV to create a good, tolerable balance, do a patch test to ensure that your skin can handle it as an acne treatment, even when it’s diluted.
“Do a patch test on your forearm before you apply it to your whole face to see how your skin will react,” recommends Batayneh.
4. Mix it with other irritating topical ingredients
People with sensitive skin should be wary of ACV. The acetic acid and astringent properties alone can irritate your skin.
However, a no-no for all skin types is to mix it with other harsh topical ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. You’re highly likely to experience a bad, irritating reaction if you do.
In praise of ACV
It’s safest to think of ACV like a little booster instead of a go-to miracle. In small doses, it can be incredibly beneficial and delicious. In large amounts, it could be dangerous and harmful to your health.
But with so many benefits, it’s no surprise many people turn to ACV for their ailments, but it’s also equally important to keep the facts first.
If you’re interested in upping your intake beyond the recommended serving of two tablespoons, talk to professional before going full speed ahead. After all, there’s a reason ACV is known to be a holy grail ingredient — you only need a little bit to feel the effects.
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